Celebrities we thought had died

(and the real reasons they were trending)

Hover over each celebrity to find out the real reason they trended

Paul McCartney:

Turned away from Tyga's Grammy after party.

Panic Level: 23

Mary Berry:

Suggested oiling a cauliflower in a plastic bag, mild Twitter storm.

Panic Level: 27

Derek Griffiths:

Announced that he was joining Coronation Street.

Panic Level: 20

Scott Baio:

Endorsed Donald Trump.

Panic Level: 15


Endorsed Hillary Clinton on Twitter.

Panic Level: 18

Keith Richards:

Said he won't be retiring.

Panic Level: 14

Stevie Wonder:

It was his birthday.

Panic Level: 23

Morgan Freeman:

It was his birthday.

Panic Level: 18

Anthony Hopkins:

Announced that he was appearing in Transformers 5.

Panic Level: 19

Mick Jagger:

Wife pregnant with his 8th child.

Panic Level: 22

Morgan Freeman:

Voice over for Hillary Clinton campaign video.

Panic Level: 26

David Attenborough:

Narrated Pokemon Go.

Panic Level: 25

Kate Bush:

It was the day before her birthday.

Panic Level: 29

John Cleese:

Launched a Youtube channel.

Panic Level: 24

Orlando Bloom:

Naked pictures surface.

Panic Level: 16